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Answers about Environmental Issues

작성일 24-06-26 15:59

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작성자Peter 조회 88회 댓글 0건


El Niño typically affects weather patterns in the Pacific Ocean region and its influence diminishes as it moves away from that area. While the Mediterranean can
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Environmental Issues


View the succession of the ecosystem in the Succession animation Is it primary or secondary succession?

Asked by Wiki User

The succession shown best cocaine dealer in US the animation is primary succession because it starts on bare rock with no soil present. Primary succession occurs in areas where no soi
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Meteorology and Weather


El Nino's have been observed by Peruvian fishermen for over 500 years What is an El Nino and what conditions have the fishermen noticed that signal the arrival of an El Nino?

Asked by Wiki User

El Niño is a climate phenomenon characterized by warmer-than-average sea surface temperatures in the equatorial Pacific Ocean. Peruvian fishermen notice the ons
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Environmental Issues


What is idustrial revolution?

Asked by Wiki User

The Industrial Revolution was a period of significant economic, technological, and social change that started in the late 18th century. It saw a shift from manu
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Environmental Issues


What environmental factors influence the farmers of the Sahel?

Asked by Wiki User

Environmental factors that influence farmers in the Sahel region include droughts, desertification, and unpredictable rainfall patterns. These challenges can le
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Environmental Issues


Role of plants in an ecosystem?

Asked by Wiki User

Plants play a crucial role in the ecosystem as they are primary producers that convert sunlight into energy through photosynthesis. They provide food and shelte
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Environmental Issues


What is Murder Under the Microscope?

Asked by Wiki User

"Muder Under the Microscope" is a novel by James Fraser that follows a forensic pathologist investigating a series of suspicious deaths at a research
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What are the problems that earth is facing now?

Asked by Wiki User

POLUTION is the main problem reflect.....a simple small dirth can cause a lot of damagesdid you already threw a trash not in its proper places?sure you did many
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What is disadvantage aphid has on a plant or environment?

Asked by Wiki User

Aphids can weaken plants by feeding on their sap, which can lead to stunted growth, yellowing leaves, and reduced fruit or flower production. They can also tran
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Which Scripture states why all the universe is held together?

Asked by Wiki User

The book of Colossians in the Bible states that all things are held together by Christ. Specifically, Colossians 1:17 says, "He is before all things, and i
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Meteorology and Weather


What major natural disasters that have happened in Victoria?

Asked by Wiki User

Some major natural disasters that have occurred in Victoria, Australia include the Black Saturday bushfires in 2009, the Ash Wednesday bushfires in 1983, and se
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American Revolution


What are the main causes of international tension?

Asked by Wiki User

Main causes of international tension include territorial disputes, competition for resources, ideological differences, and power struggles among nations. Other
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Environmental Issues


What effect might this alteration have had on viewers?

Asked by Wiki User

This alteration would likely have a significant impact on viewers as it changes the way they perceive and interpret the content. Depending on the nature of the
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Animal Life


Which environmental factors will influence the formation of a pellicle?

Asked by Wiki User

Environmental factors that can influence the formation of a pellicle in microorganisms include the availability of oxygen (aerobic conditions favor pellicle for
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Meteorology and Weather


Is an earthquake the most powerful natural disaster?

Asked by Wiki User

No, earthquakes are not the most powerful natural disaster. Events like volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, and hurricanes can all have more devastating effects in te
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Environmental Issues


Why is conserving water so important to you and the enviernment?

Asked by Wiki User

Conserving water is important to me and the environment because it helps ensure a sustainable supply of clean water for future generations. By using water effic
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Environmental Issues


What are the benefits to using fossil fuels over alternatives?

Asked by Wiki User

Some benefits of using fossil fuels include their high energy density, affordability, and well-established infrastructure for extraction and distribution. Addit
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Meteorology and Weather


What are organisms alive after a natural disaster called?

Asked by Wiki User

Organisms alive after a natural disaster are called "survivors." These organisms have managed to endure and adapt to the challenging conditions brough
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Environmental Issues


What causes overfishing?

Asked by Wiki User

Overfishing is caused by excessive fishing efforts that exceed the reproductive capacity of fish populations, leading to decreased fish populations and potentia
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Environmental Issues


Why are you trying to change to renewable energy sources?

Asked by Wiki User

Renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change. They are also sustainable and can help div
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Environmental Issues


The primary concern of the Palestinian refugees is?

Asked by Wiki User

The primary concern of Palestinian refugees is the right to return to their homes and properties from which they were displaced during conflicts with Israel. Th
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Environmental Issues


What are greenhouse gas offsets and how do they work?

Asked by Wiki User

Greenhouse gas offsets are reductions in greenhouse gas emissions to compensate for emissions produced elsewhere. They work by funding or implementing projects
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Environmental Issues


What greenhouse gas destroys ozone?

Asked by Wiki User

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are the greenhouse gases that destroy ozone in the atmosphere. When released, they break down ozone molecules, leading to the thinnin
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Do Rain forest trees hold a cancer cure?

Asked by Wiki User

Some rainforest trees have been found to contain compounds that have potential anticancer properties. However, further research and testing are needed to determ
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Environmental Issues


Which fuel source has the greatest potential to cause eutrophication?

Asked by Wiki User

Fossil fuels, such as coal and oil, have the greatest potential to cause eutrophication due to their high nitrogen and phosphorus content. When these fuels are
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